Friday 29 May 2020

Tomb Writing

Tomb writing

For writing this week we were given a picture then had to write a story around the photo. We could write a descriptive story, a report or we could use our imagination. I deiced to write a story using my imagination. Here is the photo we had to use any my story - 

I wake up feeling hot and sticking. I open my eyes and sit straight up. I see only dry, hot, golden sand. I can't remember how I had gotten there, I checked my watch. It is 11:37 on the 28th of May 1967. I don’t remember anything about the last two days. I start to panic. I'm confused, angry and scared. Was my memory erased or have I been lying here for days? These are questions racing through my head. I hear something then I realise it is my stomach growling for food like a lion who has been starved for days. My throat is dry, I have never been so thirsty in my life. I turn around hoping to see some sign of life. But I only see a weird shaped stone structure. Somehow I knew what it was, it was tomb. I don’t know why but I found myself walking towards it. There are symbols all over the structure except for the handle which was made from bone, rope and stone.

I open the door and the loud sound of the creek fills my ears. Dust rushes from the open door, like a flood of water gushing out of a broken pipe. I walk inside with no feeling of worry. It’s the first time sense I have woken up that I feeling like everything will be alright. Shamsh!! The door slams behind me, I start to panic again. I run towards the door but it won’t open or even move, it’s like magic. In the tomb it’s dark, dusty and hard to breath, I keep coughing. The only light there is,is the light beaming from the crack in the stone door, In the tomb all I see is a long stone corridor with symbols filling the wall. I find myself walking down it. I turn at the corner and there is a stone coffin with a single letter on the top. M.

I had another overwhelming feeling like I had when I walked towards the tomb. The feeling took over my entire body. I couldn't stop myself from opening the coffin. It was hard and heavy, the lid of the coffin. I never thought any one human could possibly move it but somehow, I did. I couldn't see what was in the coffin other than an outline of the person's body. The feeling was gone, I was free, I could control my own body again. I ran and fell to the ground. I had run into a stone wall. My head was bleeding now.

The way I had come in was gone, I was stuck in a stone cold, square room filled with dust struggling to breath. I was too busy trying to stop the blood dripping down my face, while I was on ground to realize something was wrong, but then I did. I walked back over to the coffin but there was nothing in it, anymore. I hear a sound from behind me, I turn around and the black outline of the figure that was in the coffin was coming towards me, but not like they were walking, like they were gliding. I screamed louder then I have ever in my entire life, but that was the moment I realized my life was over...

What's in the news this week?

What was unusual sight did Waikato residents see in the Piako river 10km inland? A Pod of dolphins

The pod of dolphins seen cruising kilometres up a Waikato river were likely following their stomachs.
The behaviour of the estimated 60 dolphins surprised the bystanders and scientists, who say their actions highlighted how much there was still to learn about the marine mammals.
On Monday, the dolphins - some around 2.5m long - made their way from the Firth of Thames up the Piako River and were spotted in Ngatea, an inland swim of 12km.
Niwa marine mammal scientist Dr Krista Hupman said telling by the shape of the dolphins' fins, they appeared to be either bottlenose or common dolphins, though both species swimming in an pod together is extremely rare.

I think this really interesting, and I wish I was there when it happened. This just proves that we don't know everything about every thing. There are still things we haven't discovered.

Two large pods of dolphins travelling upstream along the Piako River near Kerepehi this morning. Photo / Ian Sera

Monday 18 May 2020



Toady we had a 3 part riddle. At the end of the riddle we would 
find our mystery theme. The first part of the riddle we had any envelop filled with rectangle pieces. We had to use these because to make 3 separate puzzles. A hippo, boat and a symbol. When we had finished that we had to unscramble 8 words then we had to find the unscramble words in a word search. Then we did a bunch of maths questions every time we got a question right we got a letter. After that we got a picture of a country, so we had to use the unscramble word we got from the maths question to find out what the country on the map was. The answer was ancient Egypt.

Wednesday 13 May 2020

Object writing number 1

Object writing 

For writing this week we are writing object poems. For the poem we had to pick a everyday object and decide it without using the word of what we are describing. So if you were describing a fork you wouldn't use the word fork. Can you guess what my object is?

Object Writing -
Hard card covering the precious pages between, protecting them from any danger. 
Thin whitish brown delicate pieces of a tree, hiding in between the covers like children hiding in their bed scared of the storm outside. 
Black writing, telling the story, pulling you away from reality like a whirlpool in the middle of the ocean sucking a boat into it’s centre.
Thick spine firmly holding the whole story together, without it the story is just a bunch of jumbled words upon a page.

Thursday 7 May 2020

Autumn Writing

Autumn Writing

As it is Autumn for writing we are writing what Autumn looks like for us. Here is my writing - 

As my eyes open, I feel a shiver down my spine the day has begun and there is a chill in the air. I know that summer is over. I sit up and listen to the rustling of the trees in the wind. I get dressed and ready for a cold day. For the morning meal I have jam toast and a milo. There’s an angry rage of light in the corner of the room warming up the whole house.

I step outside, the sun is shining down on me but there's no warmth from it. My hair is blowing everywhere like an angry bull bucking everywhere trying to get it’s rider to fall off. As I walk forward a crunching sound comes from under foot, the firey colours of the delicate nature landing on my head and surrounding me. A gust of salty air pushing me forward and flowing into my nostrils.

I walked back into the house “How was your walk?” Mum asks. “It was amazing and so beautiful the glistening drops on trees, making the world look like a wonderland. Very windy though” I sit down at the table taking off my gloves and scarf. A warm feeling flowing through my body. The taste of the hot and creamy pumpkin soup running down my throat, heating up my entire body. So joyful, so peaceful that is how I am feeling.

DLO on Perimeter

DLO on Perimeter

For maths we have been working on perimeter, and I made a DLO about it.

Wednesday 6 May 2020

Day Of The Dead Skeleton Pizza

Day Of The Dead Skeleton Pizza

For my creative task for reading we had to make a skeleton pizza because we have been working on the Day of the Dead.
Steps -
Step 1 - Get your pizza base and place it on a tray with baking paper under the pizza base and cut the sides of to get a skeleton shape.
Step 2 - Spread your pasta sauce (or tomato paste) all around your pizza base.
Step 3 - Add cheese now so you don't cover up the designs.
Step 4 - Make you eyes. I use red onions with a olive in the middle then I put a ring of capsicum around the eye then placed some olives.
Step 5- Do your nose and mouth. For the nose on my pizza I used 3 olives. For the mouth I used half a ring of red onions.
Step 6- Decorate the rest of your pizza with whatever you like.
Step 7 - Bake and eat!

I loved doing this. If I were to do it again I would use sour cream or cream cheese for the middle of the eyes. I kind of like the olives but would use something else. 
Who knows of anything that is black I could use on a pizza other the olives?


Mexico Research

Mexico Research

One of my reading tasks this week was to research Mexico. 
Here is my slide.

Monday 4 May 2020

Day of the Dead Vocab, Word Search

Day of the Dead Vocab, Word Search

For my reading activtys this week we are working on the day of the dead. For this activity we had to do a vocab task then use those words to make a word search. 
Good luck on finding the words!

Day of the Dead Vocab

P O Z S L O X K F E M H L Q B B R W D Z U W F M G 
W E D B N D N D Q S F P L E O L N X R M T C D I N 
V S L G Z T C E I O A A Q V P J O X M Z V W V R C 
G A V J K X O C I L S T R H L N I I M H J V E Y O 
G E J D J T I E N H E O E K F S T T N J P E O X K 
D S Z P T L Q V D Q G N P L G D A A K C P A S M R 
E E G D O L F L I W O E F Y J C S D R S U D P K M 
H V S H P J X Y G M I C G H W J I U S O W I S K C 
F O T A D W U F E J U C G T K G N E C G I I R Q F 
P A S G E E Z N N K Q P G M F U O A G W G T Z B O 
C N A T I C O E O Q Z V R H T I L X S I F Q J Y A 
M J Q Z I N E T U L X X A V R K O N M K G C T S Y 
F B A R I L W D S J N L B U R W C H S G L Y Q A V 
B C S X N V I H W S J R C E O M Q S Q K R O K J K 
A Q Y T I V I T S E F H B B V Z H M E G V E S E H 
B M T I L D T O I M G A E O M D W S P G K R C H X 
O B S E R V A N C E S P C D V H L Y K Z L N C W F 
J N A Q L N M C F G S L Y N A N W M E G E P Y B A 
D Y J K E O P N P C U U O G P V L V M S S K K J I 
Z Q G G V K G O C L A A Q D B R T T S N L A O L A 
N N R I B C Q O Z I A J A E U K J E C K S D V K G 
Y N G J W Z D Z O M J S P F W E E R B Z Z Y Q L H 
D A X L H U C M M N A X G R P Y V B G X K D A W W 
X M M I W P D P L Y K D E E Q X U T V X D U V T I 
K S I K B I A A I H Z N U E T E H T B P J R V R A