Tuesday 22 October 2019

Should schools have uniforms - Argument

Should schools have uniforms - Argument

This week for school we are writing arguments. I decided to write an argument about, should schools have uniforms. 
Here is my argument -

Should schools have uniforms - Argument

I strongly believe that every school should have a set uniform, including shoes. For these three reasons, staying focused on work, kids bullying others and representing their schools.

My first reason is if kids wore muffity and not a uniform they would get distracted, not stay on task with their work and not listen to their teacher. Think about it if you were sitting in class and your teacher is talking about what you are doing in class but you are too busy thinking about what you and everyone else is wearing. These questions rushing through your head like, does my outfit look good, she looks extremely better then her and look at the old, disgusting, ugly shoes he is wearing. Then your hear your teacher say “ any question” and you realise you didn’t hear a thing your teacher said. That would be outrageous!

Did you know over 60% of school bullying is about what clothes and shoes people wear? There are so many ways that people can bully others. Cyber, Physical, Social and Verbal. Any one of these types of bullying can you feel small and trapped, you feel like you can’t speak out and stop the bully and that makes you feel like you are floating in space. It's horrible to think that someone right now is being bullied and feels that, powerless, useless and lost. Most bullying starts from a little thing. For example if your not wearing shoes with braids like Nike or Addias. Bullying is so much worse if it is at a school with no uniform. If there is a uniform you don’t feel singled out, you all look that same no one can bullying about what brand you are wearing or not wearing. Overall bullying in decreased by a lot if the school has a uniform.

For my last reason I believe if you wear a school uniform you feel more proud because you are representing your school. Imagine if you go way on a school sports, camp, maths or choir trip. Wear ever you go people will know what school your from l, they’ll think what a nice, polit, and happy school. If they ever come to live in Greymouth they will remember the nice school and they may decide to buy their children into that school. Many good things can come from wearing a uniform.

In conclusion I believe every school should have a uniform, because of bullying, staying focused and representing their school. I hope after you have read my side of this argument you are on my side. 
Believing every school should have a uniform.

1 comment:

  1. kia ora angelina.Brayden from yaldhurst school.
    I loved this because We did specches last year it was kinda fun but also embarassing because we had to stand infront of our year group.
    You brought me back to when we did speeches we wrote them then put them on cue cards.Next time you could have a video of you proforming.
    kind regards
    brayden.From yaldhurst school.


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.