Thursday 14 November 2019

Marine biology - Sea Turtles

Marine biology - Sea Turtles

For topic this term we got to choose what we wanted to do out of 3 things. Country study, Famous person study or marine biology. I choose do do marine biology on Sea Turtles. I did this because I find animals interesting and Turtles are one of my favourite animals. I really like this activity and would defiantly do it again. I found out so many weird and interesting facts. Here is my side -

1 comment:

  1. kia ora angelina.Brayden from yaldhurst school.
    It is very funny about a killer whale plays with its food ha.
    You have also made a very good looking slide very intersesting.
    You taught me about sea turtles which is very good.
    next time you could add a slide about their predaters and what they eat.
    Kind regards
    brayden yms


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.