Friday 15 March 2019

Red Poem

Week 7

On Thursday we had to do a 1 sentence poem about the colour blue. Then when we had finished that we had to make a 4 sentences poem about a colour of our own choice. I decided to do the colour red because I could think about a lot of things that are red like, apples, read panda's, watermelon, fire, paint and a lot more. So here is my poem about the colour red -

Red Poem

Silently through my body red blood rushes through my veins like a wild hurricane.
During the dark cold winter there is a roaring fire, red flames swinging like a dancer on stage.
The sweet smell of red roses is like cotton candy when it melts inside your mouth.
Red is the colour of the soft strawberry juice that squirts from the strawberry beneath your teeth, like a pimple just being popped.


  1. Hi Angelina

    This is a great colour poem, I love your use of a variety of sentence starters and similes. Using an adverb at the beginning of a sentence is an interesting way to start. Is red your favourite colour and if not why did you choose this colour?

    Miss Power

  2. Hi Miss Power
    Thank you for telling me what I am doing well.
    No red isn't my favourite colour, blue is, but I could think of a lot of things that are red that I can describe well.

    From - Angelina


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.