Tuesday 25 July 2017

NANCY CLANCY Seeks a Fortune

Title: NANCY CLANCY Seeks a Fortune

Author: Jane O'Connor

Illustrations by: Robin Preiss Glasser


Age Group:

Nancy and her friend Bree want to find a fortune so they can become rich. They can't find anything some they come up with a idea to make something and sell it. There first idea was to make skin cream but that didn't work so they are now sell bun crowns and is is going good but then it slows down. 
How much money do you think they made? 

This is what the book looks like    ➤


  1. This sounds very interesting, I would have thought selling skin cream would work, a pity it didn't, Bun crowns sounds interesting, pity the sales slowed down. I really have no idea how much money they may have made. Great work Angelina.

  2. Hey Angelina, they are far more adventurous than we were. we only sold fruit or mushrooms. I wonder what they put in their skin cream? maybe it didnt smell very nice. Bun crowns are much more interesting, and they could make all kinds of shapes. I bet they got 50c each and made $17.50. lots of love Grandma xx


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