Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Word Bank

Word Bank

This week we did an activity were we closed our eyes and Miss Power put an object in our hand, and we had to decided what the object felt like using adjectives and nouns. Then we looked at the object, I had a mini figure of a woman. Then when we looked at it we decided more about what it looked I like. Then we could look on a online thesaurus for more word. In the end we had to have 40 word in our word bank here is my word bank -
Word Bank
  • 40 words

  1. Hard
  2. Sharp
  3. Bumby
  4. Long
  5. Pointy
  6. Thin
  7. Small
  8. Tiny
  9. Green
  10. Purple
  11. Lavender
  12. Mint
  13. Plastic
  14. Person
  15. Woman
  16. Machine
  17. Solid
  18. Ruff
  19. Thorny
  20. Prickly
  21. Spiky
  22. Light
  23. Mini Figure
  24. Phenol
  25. 353,000 girls born per day
  26. Play with
  27. Collectable
  28. Poisoning
  29. Running
  30. Smells like burnt plastic
  31. Not clear
  32. Dirty
  33. Long legs
  34. Short Hair
  35. Black hair
  36. Smaller then a Pinky finger
  37. Blunt face expression
  38. Weirdly shaped
  39. Dancing
  40. Talking

I liked this activity and would do it again!! πŸ‘

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