Writing Arguments - Smoking should be banned?
For the pat few weeks we have been working on argument. This time we got to choose what our argument was going to be. Here is my argument-
Smoking in public places should be banned?
I believe smoking should be banned. There are so many bad things that come with smoking in, first of all smoking it’s good for you, it cost so much and if you smoke in front of kids you could influence them to smoke.
Did you know if you smoke there are many bad things that could happen to you. Smoking can cause fatal diseases such as pneumonia, emphysema and lung cancer. Smoking causes 84% of deaths from lung cancer and 83% of deaths from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). I could make a long list of bad things that come with smoking.
You could buy a good healthy grocery shop for the week, for the same price of buying smokes for a week. Did you know that the average smoker spends $207.00 a week on smokes. Which would cost approximately $10,800 per year. That is a lot of money just on smokes.
Have you ever thought to yourself If I smoke in front of kids they might want to too. Do you know how many kids smoke behind their parents back because they have seen someone smoke and thought it looked like fun. Think about it do you know those Fun stick snacks. Well kids pretend those are smokers. Teenages are most likely to get infulced to smoke, you will never know if they are just smoking smoke of some sort of drugs. You could save a child's life just by not smoking.
In conclusion I think smoking should be banned, it is so bad for you and it cost so much. You don’t want kids to die from smoking do you? I hope after reading my argument you are on my side to ban smoking.