Tuesday 12 March 2019

Book Review 4 -Spiderwick Chronicles Book 1

Book Review 4 -Spiderwick Chronicles Book 1

Here is my book review for the Spiderwick Chronicle Book 1 -


  1. Hey there Angelaina, my name is Parwin and I am a year 8 at Yaldhurst Model School. I really like your blog post because you have made the text really stand out and you wrote the blurb in their too so if people wanted to know what it was then they would know what the book is like. I haven't read the book but I have seen the movie and its a really cool movie, I have watched it so many times since it was such a good movie. Is there another book since it said book 1? I think that maybe next time you should add what you did a book report about it and what you thought were good and some things that you didn't like, speaking of which, why did you right this book report about it? Overall, you did a great job!

    Looking forward to your next posts,

  2. Hi Angelina! My name is Mia from Yaldhurst Model School. I really like your post because the blurb was so wonderful, I can see that you also quite enjoyed the book with the stars.

    That book looks really interesting by reading the blurb! I might check it out in the library. I am currently reading 'blood tree chronicles' It's really good so far. It's about a girl called Abigail who somehow has to save the blood tree, there is also a mysterious looking boy called Flint, who looks very real.

    Is this part of your learning, or perhaps your homework?

    Awesome work!

  3. Hi Angelina,
    I'm Mika, from Yaldhurst Model School. YMS to keep in short. The blurb you wrote really encourages people to read the book. The end leaves me hanging, wanting more. Also, 4 out of 5 stars isn't too bad.

    Right now, I'm reading a story about 4 kids saving the world from running out of energy by exploring 6 planets to retrieve an element from each one. There's 5 books to the series, I'm waiting for the 5th book. There's some shocking plot twists and dramatic cliff hangers. Especially book 4.

    What's your favourite book? If you can't choose, which is your favourite subject of book? I hope to see a reply.

    Link to blog: https://ymsmika.blogspot.com/

  4. Hi Parwin

    Yes there are more books in this series. There are 5 books in the series, but I have only read book 1. I did this book review because this term I had to do 5 book reviews this is my latest book review. You are right the movie is great but the book has some information that the movie doesn't.
    My advise is you should read the book.

    - Angelina


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