This week for word work we got our spelling words and wrote what they meant and a sentence for them. My favourite part was doing the sentences for them. Next time I am going to try do bigger sentences for the words.
Respect: Means respect other people's things.
I respect other people's things.
Preven: For example you tie up you shoes laics so you don’t full over.
Tie up you shoes or you will full.
Construct: Means you make a building of something.
My brother is constructing a rap for has scooter.
Struggle: For exsan pull you could be struggling to do you work.
I struggle to do spelling.
Respectful: You respect other people's things.
I respect your things.
Equipment: Means you use different tools to make something.
I need equipment to build a house.
Expand: Mean to make things bigger.
Can we expand my room.