Wednesday, 22 April 2020

ANZAC Poppy Drawing

ANZAC Poppy Drawing

For one of my Anzac tasks for this week I had to draw a poppy. So I deiced I was going to draw my poppy with a white crayon on a white sheet of paper. Then we I had finished drawing my poppy I got some food colouring and a paint brush. Then I used the food colouring to colour my drawing. I loved doing this and the finishing product is amazing.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Angelina

    This is a great piece of art! I love it!
    What a great idea to use food colouring to dye it! It looks great.
    The red poppy is such an iconic flower with so much meaning behind it.
    I am sure that you had a lot of fun creating this a home.

    Have you ever been to a dawn parade on Anzac Day before? I usually go each year but I guess it will be quite different this year!
    Keep up the great work Angelina, I look forward to reading more of your work while we are all working from home!

    Talk again soon

    Mrs Costello :)


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