Friday 13 March 2020

Maths Week 6 Term 1

Maths Week 6 Term 1

This week for maths we have been working on graph. When we had all of our graphs finished in our groups we put our work on to a poster. My group (Arielle, Gaby and me) choose 3 of our graphs. We choose the height, birth mouths and social media. 
Here is our poster - 


  1. Hi Angelina, your group did a fantastic job of this investigation. The graphs are clear and well labeled. Perhaps you can share some of your findings with us. Did you find any connections between your categories? Does gender appear to impact on height in our class?

  2. Kia Ora Angelina, I am Arielle from your class.
    I think you and your group did a fantastic poster it looks really cool and is easy to read from.
    Maybe next time you could put more than 3 graphs on your poster other than that your poster looks superb.
    Would you change anything about your poster?, or would you just leave it?



Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.